Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hibernation in the Book: Not Your World Music - Noise in South East Asia

Hibernation as well as Noisebath PH has been included in book about noise in Southeast Asia.

It was year 2016 when Syrphe (Berlin, Germany) and Hushush (Ottawa, Canada) wrote book about noise, electroacoustic, industrial, experimental music and sound art in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Decompose Yourself / Disintegrate

Boredom. Mental sickness.

Hibernation / Noisebath Year-end Sessions

Last December 10, 2016, Hibernation performed an experimental noise set at Noisebath PH Year-end Session at JB Music Studio in Cubao, Manila. The session included Kahugyaw, Slay Your Boyfriend, Lush Death, Archaic:Solitude and Ram Millisec8.
Photo Credits: Slay Your Boyfriend and Sound Carpentry Recordings